It’s likely that you’ve heard a lot about how important it is to use targeting keywords in your blog posts.
Yet why would you want to do that? What exactly is the keyword targeting process?

You will get to know in this article about Target Keywords with Blog Posts

Why target keywords?

You can gain traffic on a steady basis over time if your content has a high Google ranking.

  • You can target popular, trending themes with blog entries that wouldn’t merit permanent site material. When that keyword phrase is trending, you can gain search traffic and let the post disappear into your blog’s archives.
  • Blog entries, particularly how-to articles, offer excellent evergreen content that can rank well and drive traffic for months or years after publication.

However, you can’t just publish any old piece and hope that search traffic starts flowing in. If you want to get regular organic traffic, your articles must cover topics that readers are interested in.

You should add keywords into your blog posts because of this.

How to Target Keywords with Blog Posts

  • Identify search intent
  • Find keyword ideas
  • Create the content

Identify search intent

Google wants to display the most pertinent material for every query. As a result, to provide the most relevant results, it tries to comprehend why a searcher is using that keyword.

That implies that to achieve high rankings on Google, we must recognize and match search intent. Fortunately, by looking at the current top-ranking pages for your goal query, we can accomplish this. We wish to pinpoint the following three Cs of search intent specifically:

  • The predominant sort of material on the SERPs in this example are blog posts or content types.
  • Content format is the most common type of content and includes articles like reviews, lists, guides, and more.
  • The prevailing angle is the content angle. The most recent year, for beginners, simple and easy, and more are some examples.

Find keyword ideas

The first step in the procedure is selecting the keywords you want to target. We are seeking meaningful terms that people are searching for, not simply any random keywords.

Using a keyword tool is the simplest way to accomplish this. The databases of terms and phrases in keyword tools provide their SEO metrics. Based on the seed term idea you supplied, they present you with a list of ideas.

Any tool for keyword research will do. Quite a few of them are free. However, the majority of free keyword tools have some limitations, such as a tiny database, no filters, weak filters, a lack of SEO analytics, and more.

When you first start, it’s preferable to focus on keywords that are:

  • High in Traffic Potential (TP) – The amount of search traffic you could get if you rank #1 for that topic is measured by TP. We figure it out by calculating how much search traffic the top page currently receives.
  • Low in keyword difficulty (KD), which measures how challenging it is to appear for a given keyword in the top 10 organic search results.

Create the content

It’s no longer necessary to fill your blog posts with keywords to target them. This is an old method that doesn’t work now. You must convince Google that your information is pertinent and deserving of being on the front page if you want to rank well in its search results.

You have already overcome the first obstacle by matching the search intent. However, how else can you prove to Google that your material merits inclusion there?

This is how:

Cover important subtopics

It is a hint that searchers are looking for certain subtopics if nearly all of the top-ranking pages address them.

 Invest in a good reader experience

Make sure your writing is simple to read. After all, the goal of your blog post should not only be to increase your ranking but also to encourage readers to read your content.

To make reading enjoyable, use the following advice:

  • Use H2-H6 subheadings for hierarchy that are descriptive.
  • Use bullets to make things easier to skim.
  • When necessary, insert pictures and GIFs to help break up the text.
  • Use concise language to avoid creating “walls of text.”
  • Use clear language that everybody can comprehend.
  • Write while you speak to keep the conversation flowing.
  • When revising, read your writing aloud to improve the flow.

Don’t forget your on-page SEO

The “icing on the cake” that helps Google and searchers understand twice as well that your page is relevant is your on-page SEO.

The basics are as follows:

  • Use the keyword in the title if at all feasible. In 2020, Google reiterated the significance of headings. If it’s challenging, try a close version rather than shoehorning the term.
  • Use concise, evocative URLs – A evocative URL, often the keyword, aids searchers in understanding the topic of a website before visiting.
  • Create an interesting meta description; although it doesn’t affect your ranking, it does help persuade searchers to click on your result.
  • Use evocative alt language to help Google better comprehend your photographs.
  • Link to pertinent internal and external resources: Links to pertinent internal and external resources make it easier for website users to explore and discover more content.

That wasn’t that difficult, was it? Since you don’t have to think about how they fit into your site layout, targeting keywords with blog posts is far simpler than doing so with web pages. (Moreover, promotions frequently feel more natural.) And the best approach to thinking about blog themes is through keyword research.

How do you search for keywords on a blog post?

  • Start with a concept, then look for appropriate keyword phrases.
  • Find Out What Questions People Are Posing.
  • Find E-commerce Keywords on Amazon.
  • To find trending topics, use Google Trends.
  • Discover the keywords for which you are already ranking.
  • Use site searches data to identify what users are having trouble finding.

How many keywords should I add in my blog posts?

Three to four keywords should be used on average per post. One core keyword should be used together with a few long-tail keywords (or at least variations of the main keyword).

How do I find keywords for my blog SEO?

Step 1: Create a list of significant, pertinent issues based on your knowledge of your company.
Step 2: Insert keywords into those topic buckets.
Step 3: Recognize How Intent Affects Keyword Research and Conduct Appropriate Analysis.
Step 4: Find relevant search terms.
Step 5: Use tools for keyword research to your benefit.


If your content has a good Google rating, you can gradually increase visitors. Blogging offers fantastic evergreen content that can rank well and drive traffic for months or years after publication, especially how-to articles. Learn how to use blog articles to target specific keywords.

It’s not necessary to stuff your blog posts with keywords any longer if you want to target them. You need to persuade Google that your content is relevant and worthy of being on the main page.

There are some restrictions with free keyword tools, like a small database, no filters, ineffective filters, and a lack of statistics. The “icing on the cake” that gives Google and searchers a better understanding of how relevant your page is is on-page SEO